Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy Inauguration Day!

Happy Inauguration Day everyone! I've taken the day off work and I'm sitting at home watching sky news and enjoying the pomp and circumstance. I don't know if this day can match Nov. 2nd but we'll see if I can go without waterworks during Obama's speech. What an amazing day! How I would love to be freezing in the crowds watching this live...

To Obama - the 44th President of the United States!!!!


Justine said...

Happy inauguration day!

Go without waterworks - you haven't a chance... I have been watching BBC News since 2 p.m., and they went over to Birmingham, Alabama where they talked to an elderly couple who had been in the civil rights movement, and that was it for me...

Even just looking at the crowds tears me up. Everyone's so happy...

Caryl said...

I didn't manage to go without waterworks. Once Aretha started singing I had to pull out the tissues. What a journey we have all been through and what an amazing result!