Saturday, January 9, 2010

Knit, Wine and Etsy shop

Well last night I did not figure out the RAW thing. I also found out that each picture is like 8mb. While they were great pics, I'd never be able to upload files that big to Etsy. So today we changed the settings on the camera and I re-photoed everything.

Then I had to rush off to Knit and Wine night at Gotham Fine Yarns. It was a good time. I chatted with Rebecca, the proprietor, about teaching a lace knitting class at the shop and it's tentatively scheduled for the beginning of Feb as we work out the details. I'm pretty excited about the opportunity to teach knitting classes and I'm hoping I'm fairly good at it.

I'm now home and I've put a bunch of stuff up on my Etsy:

Here are some pics of the items:

Foldover Armwarmers

Lots of stitch markers

Steps today - 10,000 (had to do some marching to get up to the 10,000 steps as I didn't go to the gym today)

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