Wednesday, December 31, 2008

To Do Before I'm 30

It's 3:47am on New Years Day and I'm currently in Drogheda, Ireland. I can't sleep. I've eaten so much that sleep is simply impossible. So I'm up alone, watching the fire and surfing the web. Sadly there's not much to surf right now and I'm not particularly in the mood for bad news. Anyhow, one of the guests at tonight's New Years festivities will be turning 30 next week and made herself a list of things to do before then. I turn 30 on Nov 17, 2009 and I thought it might make things a bit more interesting if I had goals along the way. I don't really care that much about turning 30, it doesn't stress me out by any means. 20-29 for me has been long. I don't feel at all as though it has flown by.

So I guess it would be good to have 30 things to do by the time I turn 30. I have no clue what those things might be and I wasn't privy to the list of the guest at the party. Should anyone in the cyberweb see this, it would be nice to have some suggestions :-).

Things off the top of my head:
1. Reach my goal weight
2. Run two half-marathons
3. Design a knit pattern
4. Read both of Obama's books
5. Travel to Estonia
6. Run at least six 10Ks
7. Adopt a pet
8. Make a bold career move
9. Write a short story
10. Start a pension fund
11. Develop a stock portfolio
12. Teach myself a new art from scratch
13. Raise at least $2,000 for charity
14. Start volunteering regularly
15. Knit myself 15 pairs of socks
16. Maintain my goal weight
17. Make peace with where I'm settled
18. Reconnect with my family
19. Pay off student loan
20. Take up yoga
21. Read the Chronicles of Narnia
22. Visit Dominica
23. Piece a quilt from knitted squares
24. Be OK with not achieving all 30 goals
25. Work on doing things for my satisfaction rather than to impress others
26. Learn to shuffle cards
27. Go to a casino
28. Take salsa or other dance lessons
29. Learn how to sew
30. Knit at least 30 hats for pre-mature babies
31. Finish Spanish bolero

So far this isn't written in stone. I really just wanted to jot down some thoughts. Maybe the list will grow and change as I think of things I would like to do.

To turning 30! Cheers!

1 comment:

sharonspiteri said...

Well im way past the 30 mark but I too want to learn how to sew, and soon!!