Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snowpocalype Now

It's snowing outside and they're expecting a snowpocalype overnight (some are saying snowmageddon). Many companies have told workers to stay home and most skills have closed so my brother will be home all tomorrow. I have no outside obligations tomorrow so it will be hot chocolate, movies/TV and knitting. I have a crap load of knitting I need to get done. I'll be teaching a lace class at Gotham Fine Yarn from Feb 23 and I want to knit up some samples of the Swallowtail Shawl for my students to look at. If you're in NYC and want to do some lace knitting, please do sign up. Should be good fun.

In addition to my lace class, I've also managed to snag some part-time work at Gotham Fine Yarn. Today was my first day and it was good fun. I love knitting, I love yarn so it's a dream job really. The only downside is that I can't see myself making much money. I'm pretty much going to spend my pay immediately on the fine yarns :-).

Tomorrow I'll head out to take some fun pics in the snow. I do like a good snowstorm. :-)

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